Alocas in situ at the Stephen Lawrence Gallery, Greenwich, London. Alocas is one of a series of works for Expanded Audiovisual Format (EAF); an ongoing exploration involving pieces that are concerned, in both composition and exhibition, with moving away from a single-screen, two-speaker format. The work is intended to be…
Interpreting Data through Creative Audiovisualisation (IDCA) – RSE-funded Fellowship
From April 2022 to May 2023, I will be undertaking a year-long research fellowship exploring the potential applications of creative audiovisualisation for both data exploration and compositional structuring. I’ll be working with a range of collaborators on a number of different datasets and types, and will be posted updates and…
Built from sounds recorded using an 8-channel, real-time spatialisation system called systemic, controlled via a physics-based visual system built in processing, this is originally an 8-channel work which won the world prize in the Electracoustic Competition Musica Viva 2011.