November 2022 saw the premiere of my new work, DyingHaunts for Horn Quartet and live, improvised electronics, commissioned and performed by the Rookh Quartet. You can watch the first performance, here. Programme Note: DyingHaunts – for Horn Quartet and Improvised Live Electronics This piece represents my first work with live…

Interpreting Data through Creative Audiovisualisation (IDCA) – RSE-funded Fellowship
From April 2022 to May 2023, I will be undertaking a year-long research fellowship exploring the potential applications of creative audiovisualisation for both data exploration and compositional structuring. I’ll be working with a range of collaborators on a number of different datasets and types, and will be posted updates and…

filigree traces at Plenty?
Filigree Traces will be part of the Plenty? festival at the Barn, Banchory, October 21st and 22nd this year. Come and play with the music boxes in new spaces and places, and enjoy the huge amount of other artists, musicians and activities taking place. Here’s some information on the work,…

filigree traces
images c/o Bart Photography images c/o the artist filigree traces was commissioned as part of Sanctuary 2021, and was a site-specific, participative walking-in-sound work designed to encourage visitors to engage with the shapes, forms, patterns and experience of their environment and how they might think through and explore these…

Living with and living through – a virtual residency
Living With and Living Through – a virtual residency positioning making as an act of self-care and repair. The Digital Departures Lab at the University of Glasgow, of which I am co-director, is currently facilitating a six-month digital residency on the theme of Living with and living through, positioning making as…

Composing Audiovisually
What does the Coen Brothers’ Barton Fink have in common with Norman McLaren’s Synchromy? Or with audiovisual sculpture? Or contemporary music video? Composing Audiovisually interrogates how the relationship between the audiovisual media in these works, and our interaction with them, might allow us to develop mechanisms for talking about and…

Ether is a triple-screen, 6.1 channel audiovisual work premiered at IU South Bend as part of the Performing Media Festival 2020. The work is the next in a series of works exploring two distinct research trajectories – the development of pieces for Expanded Audiovisual Format (EAF); works which seek, in…

Commissioned by Cryptic as part of Sonica 2018 and the Mackintosh 150 year celebrations, Visaurihelix was an immersive, interactive audiovisual installation based on the geometric forms and proportions prevalent in so much of Mackintosh’s architecture, including the Mackintosh Tower, Scotland Street School, House for an Art Lover and The Hill House….